Two years isn’t so long


I wish I could. (Courtesy

Sam and I have been intending to visit Leo and Ivy for the longest time – two years, give or take a Blue Moon or two. Last Friday we finally did. Pizza, wine, beer and Cuba Libre – or Leo’s version of Cuba Libre, anyway. How did they do it?

How did they manage to make us feel so welcome especially when Sam and I had never met Ivy before, had never spoken to her before? I don’t know. I have awesome friends even though I am a shitty friend in return – greedy, demanding, needy, boring and late to every damn even known to human friendship. But they were cool. Sam liked them together.

Organising a return visit is going to be hard because I am a very bad friend. And there isn’t a nearby pizzeria that delivers excellent pizzas. And the Uchumi down the road has a crap alcoholic beverages’ section. And it will take me another two years to set up the visit so that it goes just right. But Leo and Ivy are cool so unless they’re thinking of emigrating to San Fransico or something, two years isn’t such a long time to wait, is it?